Mar 20Liked by The Man Behind the Screen

I’m so happy these chapters don’t feel short or abrupt! I feel like I’m being carried along at the perfect pace.

To the Castle on the Hill!! 🐎

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Mar 21Liked by The Man Behind the Screen

Expert handling of the relationship pace between Paul and Katrine. They've only known each other for a short time: Katrine seems to be trusting more in Paul with each chapter, but it doesn't feel rushed or unreasonable. The bit of dialogue right before Katrine walking away (with her realization that she's being ungracious) is a good example. Just when she's about to tell Paul what ills her, the huntsman comes in and kills the mood. (I felt for Paul at that moment, saying to the huntsman, "Buzz off, dude...").

Another part I appreciate is the storybook atmosphere. I can't describe this as clearly. It feels like a written version of the Disney movie "Beauty and the Beast". The plot's different of course (I haven't spotted any hair/claws on Paul... yet), but for some reason that is the art and music style I think of while reading.

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Mar 21Liked by The Man Behind the Screen

I will try to wait *patiently* for the next chapter 😅

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Beautifully written. I especially liked the way you used three different senses to describe Kathrine’s awakenings from her doze; very immersive and an excellent way to convey the journey on horseback.

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